
CLOSED ON: 30 APR 2024  |  REWARD: 0
Reward money is paid in exchange of legally acquiring the solution, implementing it to solve the problem and meeting the success criteria. Milestones for paying the reward money would depend upon the complexity of challenge and maturity of the proposed solution, which would be discussed with the solver as soon as the proposed solution is selected by us.
Under Evaluation

Short Description:

Coke breeze and flux are raw materials used in the iron ore sintering process. The required size of these raw materials should be around 0.25mm to 3.15mm. The size, if not monitored and corrected, will lead to large sized coke and / or flux material being used in the sintering process which results in forming large sinter chunks and eventually leading to major breakdowns.

Challenge Details

Coke breeze and flux are raw materials used in the iron ore sintering process. The required size of these raw materials should be around 0.25mm to 3.15mm. The size, if not monitored and corrected, will lead to large sized coke and / or flux material being used in the sintering process which results in forming large sinter chunks and eventually leading to major breakdowns.

Currently, before dispatching the raw material to the sinter plant, coke and flux samples are drawn from weigh feeders and sent to the lab for size and chemical analysis. This process takes around 5-6 hours, leading to delays in implementing corrective actions to improve fineness.

It is thus critical to identify variations in size well in advance. We are actively exploring solutions capable of providing real-time measurement of size of fineness of output raw materials (coke breeze and Flux) and alert the operator in case the size surpasses the specified range.

Have any query or need more clarification about this challenge?