05 APR 2019  |  CLOSED ON: 18 JUL 2019  |  REWARD: INR 15,00,000/-
Reward money is paid in exchange of legally acquiring the solution, implementing it to solve the problem and meeting the success criteria. Milestones for paying the reward money would depend upon the complexity of challenge and maturity of the proposed solution, which would be discussed with the solver as soon as the proposed solution is selected by us.

18 JUL 2019

INR 15,00,000/-

Reduce the generation of huge amounts of dust during slag handling at SMS.

Challenge Details

Dust from steel slag is a major problem in steel industry. Slag is generated during steelmaking as a by-product at various stages in Desulphurization, Basic Oxygen Furnace and SMLP. The amount of slag generated is around 190 to 200 Kg/TCS (Tons of Crude Steel). Generated slag is collected in slag pot and then dumped in Slag aisle. The slag is then allowed for the cooling and weathering process.  Finally, slag is excavated using mobile equipment and shifted to Metal recovery plant using HYVA/Euclid.

Before slag pot is taken to BOF, dry slag is added at the bottom of the pot to act as a cushion. But this addition is currently being done manually using a loader. Making the dry slag addition system using conveyor and bins system will reduce the dust generation.


During this slag handling process, dust generation happens and pollutes the surrounding environment. Reduction and suppression of this dust is a challenge for the plant.

Options Tried

Spraying water is one method that is commonly used. At multiple points near slag handling zone of slag aisle, provision for spraying of water has been made using,

  1. Fixed pipe water spraying practice
  2. Spraying water using mist system directed towards the loading zone of slag in HYVA/Euclid
  3. Spraying water above the mass of slag, before loading the slag.

We envisage a reduction in the amount of dust generated and effective suppression of dust during handling, using an integrated dust control system in slag aisle.

Availability of dry slag addition system in slag aisle to reduce the dust generation in the process of slag pot preparation for BOF process


  1. Hot ambient due to hot slag (>1600 deg C)
  2. Movements of mobile equipment
  3. Optimal usage of space for the dust controlling system and dry slag addition system

Success Criteria

Solution should be

1. A reliable and effective system for the suppression of dust

2.  Reliable and effective dry slag addition system

Have any query or need more clarification about this challenge?