21 NOV 2024  |  CLOSED ON: 21 FEB 2025  |  REWARD: Attractive
Reward money is paid in exchange of legally acquiring the solution, implementing it to solve the problem and meeting the success criteria. Milestones for paying the reward money would depend upon the complexity of challenge and maturity of the proposed solution, which would be discussed with the solver as soon as the proposed solution is selected by us.

21 FEB 2025


Eco-friendly, efficient leak detection for pneumatic brake systems, without soap water, ensuring safety and takt time.

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Challenge Details

Testing of pneumatic line assembly (brake system), consisting of joints is tested by filling air with a pressure of 8 to 10 bar. Leaks are detected in the joints by smearing soap water on all the brake lining assembly joints. This method is not effective as it is not environment friendly and compromises safety because of the wet floor with soap liquid that creates a slippery condition.

We are thus seeking a solution that does not use soap water for testing the pneumatic braking systems. The new method should ensure efficient testing within the takt time of ~4 minutes, use the same set up, line pressure and adapt to different brake line models and volumes. 

Have any query or need more clarification about this challenge?